
1991 生於河南新野
2010 畢業於中央美術學院附中
2014 畢業於中央美術學院實驗藝術學院,獲學士學位

1991 Born in Henan, China

2010 Graduated from Fine Arts School Affiliated to CAFA

2014 Graduated from CAFA, BA

Current live and create in Beijing


Since 2015, Zhao Yan-Bin has started participating in “Art Nova” and already showed his talent among hundred of artists, being selected into Shi-Bi Young Artists project(total 10 people). He held his first solo exhibition in Beijing in 2016, and all the works sold out immediately. And he also been highly appreciated by the experimental exhibition held in Paris in 2017.


都挺好-母親花園 Everything Goes Well - Mother’s Garden / 壓克力、紙本 Acrylic on canvas / 150 x 200 cm / 2022




《Mother’s Garden》, as  the second work of “Everything Goes Well” series, is a gift for my mother, whereas a gift she give me.

The flowers that my mother grew were not “good looking” even down-and-out. But they were full of tensile when put them together, performing a natural and extraordinarily vivid look as a non-artificial thrivingly distinguished plant. Inside this work, she repaired the broken planter with adhesive tapes and ropes, using vessels which were out of functional as flowerpots, preventing growing flowers from being eaten by hens by trash cans. Not only in modal need but was her choice for life, also the general value in most of them.

I hope this work can help her achieving self-value, to be a “practical person”. Through creating, I admire and promise her sense of beauty and life value. If people can respect the flower she has grown while looking at my work, this would be quite meaningful and valuable for me.

等一個好消息no.2 Waiting For A Good News / 壓克力 Acrylic / 45 x 60 cm / 2022


The clock without hour hand represents nothing. To find hope in despair.

The greatness in human civilization is “Do something while knowing it is impossible.”, no matter what, the good news must come.

黑水No.2 Dark Waters / 150 x 166 cm / 纸本丙烯 Acrylic / 2021

大合影 A Grand Group Photo / 100x240cm / 紙本丙烯 Acrylic / 2019

島 Island / 45×60cm / 纸本丙烯 Acrylic / 2018

大牆 The Grand Wall

紙本丙烯 Acrylic

行為藝術作品 performance WORKS

我和父親 My Father and I / 行為 Performance 2’20‘’ / 2017



2017 “明天有西北風”, Gallery Liusa Wang,巴黎

2016 “我和我們”,名泰空間,北京



ART TAIPEI 2022 x 秋刀魚二十週年特展《存在 EXISTENCE》二部曲,台北,台灣

秋刀魚藝術中心20年特展 《存在—以詩性探詢》,台南

2019 ART TAIPEI,台北世界貿易中心,台北


Andy’s joke Shoot@Shoot,北京

2018 “鄉關何處”程保忠.趙延斌雙個展 ,秋刀魚藝術中心,台北 

Art Central Hong Kong 2018,Gallery Liusa Wang,香港




2017 Art Central Hong Kong 2017,Gallery Liusa Wang,香港

2016 藝術北京,全國農業展覽館,北京


2015 62度灰和Ta的朋友們,尤倫斯當代藝術中心,北京



2014 瞧,小東西們! --趙延斌、李蕭禾雙個展,橋舍畫廊,深圳



Solo Exhibition

2017 “Le vent du nord-ouest se lévera demain”, Gallery Liusa Wang, Paris

2016 “Me and Us”, Art Link Art, Beijing

Group Exhibition


ART TAIPEI 2022 x Fish Art Center 20th Anniversary - II, Taipei, Taiwan

The 20th special exhibition of Fish Art Center 《Existence - through the eyes of poetry》,Tainan

2019 Art Taipei, Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei

Art Nova, Guardian Art Center, Beijing

Andy’s joke Shoot@Shoot, Beijing

2018 I Don’t Know Which Side Is the East, Fish Art Center, Taipei

Art Central Hong Kong 2018,Gallery Liusa Wang,Hong Kong

Artmia, Hinan

History and Reality—Contemporary Art Exhibition, Ningbo Museum of Art, Ningbo

 Zhengzhou Contemporary Art Invited Exhibition, Zhengzhou Gallery, Zhengzhou

2017 Art Central Hong Kong 2017, Gallery Liusa Wang, Hong Kong  

2016 Art Beijing, National Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing

 Art Nova, National Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing

2015 “62 Gray and Its Friends”, UCCA, Beijing

 Art Nova, National Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing

 “1005YE: Possibility of Another World”, Gome Art Foundation, Beijing

2014 “Look! Little things!”, Zhao Yan-Bin & Lee Xiao-He Exhibition, Bridge Gallery, Shenzhen

 “Who’s there?”, Bridge Gallery, Beijing