黃敏俊受邀參與START ART FAIR@倫敦薩奇藝廊 Artist Ming-Chun Huang is invited to START ART FAir @Saatchi Gallery

2016 START 藝術博覽會 將於倫敦深具地位之前衛畫廊、主辦單位之一的薩奇畫廊(Saatchi gallery)盛大舉辦。今年博覽會之主題策展「未來之島」(Future Island),藝術家黃敏俊2件大幅作品,殘荷入夢(200號)以及「窗外」(80號)受倫敦策展人邀請參展。

This is an exciting news which can not wait to be announced!  We are honored to be invited to the 'START art fair ' to be held at Saatchi Gallery in London this September. The theme of the this fair will be ''Future Island''. Two of Mr, Huang's masterpieces "A Dream of the Withered Lotus'' (160x260 cm) and ''Beyond the Window''(89.5 x 145.5 cm) are chosen by Saatchi Gallery and will be shown at the fair.


START 藝術博覽會:http://startartfair.com
薩奇畫廊 Saatchi Gallery:http://www.saatchigallery.com